Art that makes you smile


Paintings on Website

Birds on a Path Acrylic Painting on Canvas

Birds on a Path

I finally have my paintings listed and for sale on my website. Here is the link:

This painting is a small, 6″hx12″w acrylic painting on canvas, as are almost all of them. They all have a colorful, whimsical style.

Hope you enjoy checking them out.

Sequim Lavender Festival Was Great

Last weekend at the Sequim Lavender Festival Street Fair was great. The weather was terrific, although perhaps a little too hot. Many very nice people came to see me and I had a great time.

In addition to having a terrific show at the festival, a customer of Nourish Restaurant, where my paintings are on display, bought some of my paintings. I was very surprised and happy about that. Here is one that she purchased. Between the Raindrops

Nourish Reception

During the months of July and August my paintings are on display at Nourish RestaurantLavender-by-the-Shed72web in Sequim. On July 11th from 4-6pm, Nourish is very kindly holding a reception for me and my art. In addition to my paintings, I will have some tiles, cards and journals there.

Nourish is located at 101 Provence View Lane, Sequim. To get there, go south (toward mountains) on Sequim Avenue. Just as the road takes a sharp turn to the left toward Bell Hill, go to the right and the restaurant is just up on the right. It is a great restaurant in Sequim. I hope you will be able to stop by and say hi during the reception.


Show at Nourish Restaurant

I just finished hanging my artwork at the Nourish Restaurant in Sequim. It will be there all of July and August. Most of the work hanging is acrylic paintings on canvas, but there are a few colored pencil pieces as well. In addition to the show, Nourish has my cards, coasters and trivets for sale in the gift shop.

If you haven’t been to Nourish Restaurant it is a great place to eat. The menu is entirely glutton free, but for those who don’t need that, it has a great menu of local foods. Very tasty and has beautiful gardens. If you are in Sequim, I hope you will stop by and check out the show.

Set for June First Friday Art Walk

Colors-of-Sequim-Display-1-72webI am now setup at Colors of Sequim, where I’ll be the featured artist for June (until June 19th). The reception at Colors of Sequim will be from 5pm-8pm. Here is the display of some of my art.

In addition to being at Colors of Sequim, I will also have my journals at Hart’ Fine Books just down the street. I will be sharing my First Friday time between these two businesses.

I am so happy to be able to do this and hope to see  you at one of these stores.


Cards now at Nourish Restaurant

2015 Cat Desk Calendar

2015 Cat Desk Calendar

I am very happy to tell you that some of my cards are now available in the gift shop at Nourish Restaurant in Sequim. Additionally, for the next couple of months my 2015 calendars are also there. I will be the guest artist during July and August. I am very excited about this upcoming show.

Show in Woodinville

index~~element64During the month of March I will have some of my artwork on display at the Dirty Bucket Brewery in Woodinville. This should be a fun show and I hope people in the area will come out to see my work and check out the brewery.

Port Townsend Holiday Arts and Crafts

Holiday Poster 2014The holiday shows are underway. The show in Port Townsend at the Uptown Community Center is going to be the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving (November 28-29th). I will be downstairs of the community center.

I will have journals, calendars, cards, prints, colored pencil originals and acrylic paintings.

Edmonds Arts Festival is this Weekend

The time is finally here – The Edmonds Arts Festival is June 13-15th in Edmonds, WA at the Frances Anderson Cultural Center in Edmonds. I will be there on the plaza (P15) and I hope you will come and see me. I have some new floorcloths, paintings, cards (new cards with cats and birds) and my 2015 Cat Calendar is ready. It should be a lot of fun – no matter the weather.

Paintings in process

pileopaintings72webI’ve been working on getting paintings ready for shows starting in June. Here a few that I have ready to go. I’m still working on a few more.

I’ll be at the Sequim Farmer’s Market on Saturday, May 31st and have these available – along with the 2015 Cat Calendar. If you are in Sequim, come on by.